The schedule of the 12th Carpathian Basin Conference on Environmental Sciences follows the traditions: it exemplifies a classic inter-national conference.

The schedule of the Conference can be split into two sections: the first section is a careful time management of the organization, the second is a consequence of the first, the realization of “net” conference days, the execution. Obviously, the two are closely related: time management determines the results, the quality of the second.

Let’s see the planned, approximate time schedule of the organization of Carpathian Basin Conference on Environmental Sciences. We would like to indicate, that this is an early plan of the reconciliation between the three organizer institutes.

What are the Conference organizers doing?

First of all, the high standards, the “absolute value” of the Conference is sustained by choosing and personally requesting the members of the Scientific Committee. This part of the work starts almost one year before the Conference, even before the lineup of the Organizing Committee. This is based on the experiences and certain parity-preferences, taking into account the advice of “the mother” of the conference-series, Ildikó MÓCSY.

This happens at this moment (November, 2015). We bring the Invitations to Beregszász and Cluj-Napoca for signatures, thereafter send it by mail.

At the same time, we are trying to inform YOU through the “MESSENGER” of the Conference – this webpage.

It is not visible, but in the background we are seeking for supporters, patrons and the Chief patron, what almost belongs to diplomacy. After preliminary researches, the embellished official invitation letters set sail, to reach the prestigious destinations.

After all, once or twice (or three times), shorter and longer versions of so called Circulars hit the pike. We are trying to inform everybody, each scientific workshop, industrial corporation and company, inside and outside the Carpathian basin, who can be involved and has competence in the topic.

The registration starts and the “early birds” instantly indicate their planned topic, indentify their publication – send the abstract of it to the Scientific Committee – and look for supporters, to send the participation fee to the organizers.

We notify you, that we will ask our Patrons, to propose more grant application, to help you with the payment of registration fee, travel and accommodation costs – including the cost of getting a (new) passport.
The opening of these opportunities will be published on the website, the social network group of the Conference and will be sent by e-mail to the registered participants (to the e-mail address given at the registration).


How does this Conference take place?

Let’s see the habitual daily schedule of a Carpathian Basin Conference on Environmental Sciences.

The first day is the guest arrival and –reception day. Sometimes our participants are coming from relatively long distance, quite often travelling all day to reach the location of the conference and occupy their accommodation. In the evening, usually on Wednesday, around 5–7 pm, on the venue of the Conference takes place the “Welcome” meeting, with “pálinka” (well: champaign).

The Carpathian Basin Conference on Environmental Sciences is not a video conference, neither virtual. It is bound to come. Everybody should travel through and through the Carpathian basin, we “must” meet, because this is the only way for newcomers to get acquainted with “old-timers” of the scientific field.

Second day – Thursday – the first scientific day of the Conference, opened with greeting speeches and the plenary lectures in the morning. After the lunch break opens the poster session, which is a popular debut and manifestation venue for young scientists. After this opening, the entire afternoon is filled by sessions.
The previously announced topics determine the sessions, where the Scientific Committee recommends the presentations.
Thursday everning, after the sessions, is free, so as we give space to build old-new conference-contacts, and the host of the conference often offers a quick sightseeing as well (giving tips for dinner-possibilities).

Third day – Friday – the second scientific day of the Conference, with plenary lectures and presentation sessions in the morning. After lunch, the poster session and further presentation sessions continue.
On Friday evening is the Closing ceremony (dinner) of the Conference. As main rule, this takes place at an illustrious venue of the host city, with local folk-music, traditional folk dance ensemble, trying to involve the conference participants in the dance.